Watch million of free videos from around the world. This new free tube application has a clean design and is super easy-to-use. Trending tubes are organized in different categories, that way it is easier to watch the latest published videos of the category you want (Gaming, trending, funny, soccer, sports, news and more categories).If you subscribe to youtube you will be able to browse and play your recommendations on the youtube home tab. Free tube will allow you to browse and play youtube and other videos in HQ (WiFi or cellular data is needed).All the content is provided by YouTube services. We respect the Youtube Terms read more: We have no direct control over the content displayed in Youtube, dailymotion or vimeo. Please if you notice any inappropriate content (hot tubs, nudity, copyright abuse, music or else) make sureto notify youtube, dailymotion or vimeo depending on the video publisher.### Notice also that you are not allowed to download music or to use this application as a video download or youtube downloader. This is against their policy ### ### Notice also that this application can not be used as a video player ### Please enjoy, share with your friends and let us know in the comments what can we modify to make the free tube application the best videos application in the market !!Stream is a third party app.. Therefore Stream does not have direct control over the content displayed.Stream is not a music downloader.